new center
Visit Oberhausen's "new center" Neue Mitte, accessible by car via Autobahn A42 exit "OB-Osterfeld/Neue Mitte", by bus/tram stop "Neue Mitte" or by boat via Rhein-Herne-Kanal at the "Heinz-SchleuÃer-Marina". The main element of the Neue Mitte area is the CentrO complex which includes a shopping mall, a children's theme park and a promenade with restaurants and pubs. Next to the CentrO, the Gasometer Oberhausen - the largest disc-type gas holder in Europe which is now an anchor point of the European Route of Industrial Heritage - hosts varying exhibitions aimed at the general public often including light and sound installations. An panoramic elevator inside the Gasometer can be used to travel to a floor level below the roof. From there, a stairway on the outside leads to three panoramic platforms mounted on the Gasometer's roof Note for disabled persons: Ask the staff for using the other elevator on the outside of the Gasometer, which directly leads to one of the platforms. Other attractions within the Neue Mitte include a Sea Life Centre former home of the late Paul the oracle octopus and the MWO Modellbahnwelt Oberhausen, a large H0 model railway installation depicting the Ruhrgebiet at its industrial zenith between 1965-1970.